Stickers for Your Promotional Copies

Entice prospects with these printable promotional copy stickers.

When it comes to growing your brand, promotional copies of your personally branded magazine are a sure bet. Whether you’re networking or door knocking, they help you to stay top-of-mind. Add these printable stickers to the front cover, and give your prospects an irresistible reason to call you!


  • Printable Promotional Copy Stickers
    Simply print stickers out on 2″ round label paper, adhere to your promotional copies, and watch your phone blow up with calls from new leads!

About the authors: ReminderMedia has been providing unique and top-of-the-line client follow-up tools since 2003. With an established foundation in relationship marketing, and products like American Lifestyle magazine, we’ve developed the techniques and innovations that allow our clients to take advantage of referrals and repeat business like no other solution on the market. Click to learn more