Follow-up calls are key to maintaining relationships, driving repeat business, and getting you more referrals. However, you can’t just reach out and say absolutely anything—it’s important to go in with a solid strategy.
The following three scripts provide a roadmap for using ReminderMedia products to connect with clients, win referrals, and close more deals.
Following Up With Your Magazine
Your customized magazine from ReminderMedia gives you a built-in excuse to stay in touch with your past customers. Within a week or two of a mailing, call a client to see how they liked the issue.
Hi [client’s name],
How’s it going? It’s [your name].
I was just calling to see how you were doing, and whether you’ve had time to check out the latest issue of the magazine I sent you. I really liked the article about [subject] and thought you might enjoy it, too.
From there, you can organically talk about the article you’re referring to, based on their response. Or, if they haven’t yet read it, explain what you enjoyed about the article.
Finally, make sure to tie everything together in a way that will both remind your client of the value you offer and encourage referrals.
I hope you enjoy the magazine and find the articles and recipes useful. I just wanted to let you know that I have lofty goals for my business this year. And when I look back at my best clients, your name really stands out. I was wondering whether you knew anybody else like you who might be looking to buy or sell in the future. If so, I’d really like to send a magazine to them.
If your client gives you contact information for someone in their circle, you can add them to your mailing list and begin nurturing a new relationship. And, even if they don’t, remind your current client how valuable referrals are to you.
Let me know if you think of anyone who might like a copy. I’m always on the lookout for great customers like you. In the meantime, I’m here if you need anything.

Following Up With the Digital Edition
As is the case with your print magazine, the American Lifestyle digital edition makes it easier to connect with your customers organically—giving you a reason to follow up by email, text, or a phone call.
Since your digital edition comes with analytics that track who is opening your emails, you can determine which clients are the most engaged with what you send. Once you figure out who those clients are, you can call them and have a conversation.
Hi [client’s name],
How’s it going? It’s [your name].
I sent you a digital copy of my magazine a few days ago, and I was just calling to see how you liked it. I really enjoyed [article] and thought you might like it, too.
After finding out what your client thinks of the digital edition you sent, you can direct the conversation toward potential referrals.
Glad to hear you’re enjoying the magazine/I hope you’ll enjoy this issue of the magazine. I just wanted you to know that I really value you as a client, and I’m here to help you with anything you might need.
While I have you on the line, I’d like to let you know that I’ve got some big goals for my business, and I’m always on the lookout for more great clients like you. Do you know anyone who might be looking to move sometime in the not-so-distant future? If so, I’d love to send them a copy of the digital edition I sent to you.
Keep in mind that your digital edition can be sent to up to 1,000 people, so it’s a great tool for building relationships at any stage. If you’re looking to convert a lead into a client, start off the phone call the same way you would with a past client.
“Hi [client’s name],
How’s it going? It’s [your name] from [your company name], following up.
I sent you a digital copy of my magazine a few days ago, and I was just calling to see how you liked it. I really enjoyed [article] and thought you might like it, too.”
After discussing the magazine content, you can reveal your intentions to your prospect.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the magazine/I hope you’ll enjoy the magazine as much as I do.
While I have you on the line, I’d like to let you know that I’m committed to earning your business. If there’s anything I can do to help you out, please don’t hesitate to ask.
From there, let your prospect know that you’ll be in touch a little down the line.
I’ll be sending out another issue of the magazine next month. Would it be alright if I checked back in with you then, to see how you liked it?
If your lead is receptive to the idea of a follow-up call, thank them for their time and tell them you’ll talk to them in a few weeks. If not, remind them that you’re here to offer value and make their life easier.
I understand you’re busy and might not have time for a phone call. I’ll still be here if there’s anything you need, or if you’re ready to move forward in doing business together
Close by offering your additional contact information to your lead, thanking them for their valuable time, and saying that you look forward to hearing from them in the near future.
Once you get a little bit closer to the finish line with this lead, consider sending them a physical copy of your magazine to offer even more value.
Following Up With Social Leads
ReminderMedia’s Social Media Shares feature allows you to easily share digital content from your magazine with just a few clicks.
Once you’ve noticed a lead regularly liking, commenting, or sharing your posts, you can work to move the relationship to the next level. Send a private message through the platform where your lead is engaged, or, if you have their email address, consider reaching out that way.
Start by using the social media content as an icebreaker.
If this person is interested, you can add them to the list for your digital edition and follow up with them after sending your next issue. If they’re not interested, you should let them know that they can still take you up on your offer later.
By saying this, you’ve let your lead know that you’re committed to offering value and making a connection with them. Consider reaching out again in the future if they continue to engage with what you post on social media.