Throughout the year, there are several opportunities for you to review policies with clients and prospects to make sure they are getting the best deal on coverage.

For example, a driver’s insurance premium might go up even if the driver is not involved in any accidents. This is a perfect opportunity for an agent to present a more affordable solution. Below are some statistics to reference when you review policies.

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43 percent of homeowners incorrectly believed they were properly insured in the event of flooding from heavy rain, when they were not under their standard policy.

– 2016 Consumer Insurance Survey

43 percent of homeowners incorrectly believed they were properly insured in the event of flooding from heavy rain, when they were not under their standard policy.

– 2016 Consumer Insurance Survey

31 percent of Americans found homeowners insurance to be a financial burden.

– 2016 Consumer Insurance Survey

29 percent of consumers of consumers have met with their agent to compare prices from different companies.

– 2016 Consumer Insurance Survey

Only 44 percent of consumers compare prices of homeowners insurance of different insurers at renewal time. Even though cars are typically less valuable than homes, 69 percent of respondents compared prices when shopping for auto insurance.

– 2016 Consumer Insurance Survey

Only 44 percent of consumers compare prices of homeowners insurance of different insurers at renewal time. Even though cars are typically less valuable than homes, 69 percent of respondents compared prices when shopping for auto insurance.

– 2016 Consumer Insurance Survey

Among those with life insurance, about 1 in 5 say that they do not have enough.

– LIMRAs 2018 Insurance Barometer

35 percent of Americans of all households would feel adverse financial impact in just a month if a primary wage earner died.

– LIMRAs 2018 Insurance Barometer

44 percent of millennials overestimate the cost of life insurance at five times the actual amount.

– LIMRAs 2018 Insurance Barometer

– LIMRAs 2018 Insurance Barometer

Policy reviews are a great way to bring clients and prospects back to the table.

Chances are, if you can get them through the door to talk about their current coverage, you can help them by selling a new, better line.

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