A lot happens between March and May.
For many, there’s a shift forward into Daylight Savings Time.
Then there’s St. Patrick’s Day when just about everyone likes to get their Irish on. Easter and Earth Day are in April. May brings the Mexican celebration of Cinco de Mayo. And don’t forget Mother’s Day on May 9!
Many industries experience an up-tick in business during the spring months, and sending your magazine is a fantastic strategy to get in front of your audience and remind them to send referrals your way.
But you’ve got to follow up.
The week your magazine arrives, reach out using your clients’ preferred method of communication whether it’s phone, email, or text. Engage them in a short conversation. It only needs to be long enough to ask how things are going, thank them for being a client, and to let them know you’re available to help them or anyone they may know.
And if you missed that opportunity, March through May gives you six additional opportunities to reach out … so no excuses! That next client or customer could be one touch point away.
To your continued success,
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