Get a free estimate and save up to 50% on your magazine activation!
Imagine how impressed your clients, prospects, and the rest of your sphere of influence will be when they open their mailbox and see you on the cover of your very own magazine!
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Get more referrals and win more listings with your own branded magazine!
Stop wasting money on marketing that doesn’t make it past the trash can or spam filter, and start getting real results with marketing that makes you look insanely impressive!
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Here’s how it works…!
Step 1 Personalize your magazine by uploading your head shot, company logo, and contact info.
Step 2 We give you your own printed and digital magazines + email newsletters and branded social media content.
Whether it’s one of our personally branded magazines, local events email newsletter, or branded social media content, the quality of your marketing will blow away your competition!
Step 3 Upload a list of your prospects and we will mail your branded magazine (compliments of you)
We keep you top-of-mind with your database on AUTOPILOT in a way that makes you look impressive but is also appreciated as valuable by your recipients.
Step 4 Relax! Make your follow-up calls and start getting consistent referrals + repeat business!
You do what you do best! Follow up with your recipients and ask what they thought of the content you sent them as a conversation starter.