Free E-book: How Independent Insurance Agents Can Increase Service and Lines of Coverage
Long gone are the days when you could attract leads with a free insurance quote, and newer generations of consumers won’t tolerate a sales pitch. To succeed as an insurance agent in today’s market, you need a way to ensure your prospects and clients think of you as a trusted advisor and not a as a salesperson.
In this free e-book, you’ll discover how to . . .
- Formulate a meaningful and distinctive value proposition
- Position yourself as a trusted consultant and resource
- Approach and successfully close the sale of additional coverage and policies

About the authors: ReminderMedia has been providing unique and top-of-the-line client follow-up tools since 2003. With an established foundation in relationship marketing, and products like American Lifestyle magazine, we’ve developed the techniques and innovations that allow our clients to take advantage of referrals and repeat business like no other solution on the market. Click to learn more