New Fitness Tear Out Card Options Available

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Fitness is a hot topic. In fact, there were over 1.2 million Google searches for the keyword in January alone. And that doesn’t include any related search terms, such as exercise, workout, or get in shape.

That shouldn’t be surprising. Everyone knows the benefits of fitness. But few of us get as much exercise as we should. I speak from experience on that.

Fitness is about so much more than just knowing the steps of a given exercise. It’s about motivation. It’s about separating fact from myth. It’s about overcoming the barriers that get in the way of exercising.

All of this creates a great opportunity to connect with clients and prospects. If you can give them the information they’re searching for, they’ll love you. That’s exactly what you want them to feel when you ask for referrals.


This is just one of the new Tear Out Cards available for your next mailing. Log to see them all.

To help you cash in on this opportunity, we’ve created new fitness tear out cards that your clients can refer to and share with their own connections. Because these cards are personalized with your photo and contact information, each one that’s shared has the potential to turn into a new client.

Five new cards added to the Total Body category illustrate effective workouts:

  • The rush workout
  • 15-minute workout
  • 7 day ab workout
  • Leg and core workout
  • Stretching tips

You can also now choose from three new categories to meet the challenges many people face when trying to get fit:

  1. Fact and Myth cards address common questions and misconceptions about fitness and exercise.
  2. FitnessTOCs_Example1

    Log into your account to choose this or any of the new fitness Tear Out Cards.

    Away from Home includes a collection of tips and tricks to fit in exercise anywhere. It’s perfect for anyone who has a hard time fitting in exercise around work and busy schedules.

  3. Positive Behavior has tear out cards on ways to improve your overall health.

Log in to your account to see all the new selections. Not a customer yet? Take a tour of the magazine and sign up for a trial mailing.

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