10 Ways New Agents Can Get Free Real Estate Leads

As a new agent, you can get free real estate leads from more places and in more ways than you may have thought possible. When looking for free ways to generate real estate leads, the thing to keep in mind is to take advantage of the resources you already have in place or can easily… Read more »


15 Cheap Marketing Ideas for Real Estate Agents on a Budget

Let’s say you’re a real estate agent who’s fairly new to the business, or you’re a broker who’s starting to build a team, and you’ve got to figure out how to manage marketing for a small business on a tight budget. Well, rest easy because you’ve come to the right place! I’ve got some inexpensive… Read more »

4 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Get to the Top of Google Search Results

To get to the top of Google search results is a game of vigilance and strategy. But there are ways that even novice website owners can improve their rankings. In the digital world, search engine marketing has become the way to be discovered on the internet, and since most people do not venture past the… Read more »


Your Complete Guide to Starting a Real Estate Blog

Are you at the beginning stages of developing a content marketing strategy? Do you want to add another powerful lead-generating tactic to your marketing plan? Could it be that you’re excited to share your expertise with your audience of ideal clients? All of these are supremely good reasons for starting a real estate blog. Real… Read more »

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Free Leads for Real Estate Agents (Part 3)

In the final part of this 3-part series, we’re still talking about how to get leads for free, but I’m adding a few affordable options. In this series, I’ve offered real estate lead generation ideas for new agents, and I’ve focused on ideas that don’t require any check equity. The reason is simple—new agents tend… Read more »


5 Ways to Promote Your Open House in 2023

Updated August 2022 As any agent who’s hosted them will attest, open houses can be a lot of work. From preparation and promotion to making sure things go smoothly when the day finally comes, all the time, effort, and money spent on an open house can sometimes be enough to scare agents away from doing… Read more »

ADA Compliance for Real Estate Websites

Are design flaws on your website blocking entire segments of qualified buyers from easily accessing listings? Guest blogger David Gevorkian reviews the benefits of ensuring your website conforms to ADA specifications and offers suggestions for how to bring yours into compliance. As a real estate professional, you work tirelessly to market properties and connect buyers… Read more »

Ep. 242: 8 Ways to Get FREE Leads

 Free Real Estate Leads for Agents Who should listen: This episode is for agents who are willing to put in a little sweat equity to find free leads rather than spend a small fortune on dubious ones. Key point: For agents without large marketing budgets, there are a large number of ways you can… Read more »

How to Get Real Estate Seller Leads (2024 Guide)

In the perfect storm of 2024, what more can agents do to generate real estate seller leads? When you’re in the thick of a market shift, trying to keep your real estate business from going under, platitudes like “Markets are always shifting” and “Just wait it out, it’ll be fine” are not helpful. Agents, and… Read more »

How to Calculate Turnover Rate When Selecting a Farm

We’re explaining how to calculate a real estate turnover rate and providing links to resources where you can find the information you need to do the math. When I was younger and wanted to know how to spell a word, I was often told to look it up in a dictionary. I always considered this… Read more »