Send the Perfect Gift This Summer


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From the beautiful weather to the patriotic holidays—summer is the ideal time for your clients to take a vacation. So, what does that mean for your direct-mail marketing? That there’s a possibility that they won’t accompany your clients on vacation. However, you’re in luck! Our digital edition offers an opportune solution to reach your clients, regardless of where their vacations take them this summer.

  • On the go.
    There’s nothing better than finding reading material that travels well. With the digital edition, all your clients will have to pack is either their cell phone or tablet. They’ll be able to access the same high-quality content as the magazine, just from the convenience of their e-mail inbox—keeping you top of mind, and making it the perfect read whether they’re in the car or on the beach.
  • Seasonal content.
    We’ve found that timely content is much more impactful. From delicious barbecue recipes to outdoor gardening tips and tricks, the digital edition’s content is tailored to match each season. Each version offers downloadable printables and videos, enabling your clients to enjoy them again and again, even after their vacation is finished.
  • Sharable options.
    All content within the digital edition can be shared, greatly expanding the reach of your magazine. If your clients fall in love with an article or want to share a recipe with a friend for an upcoming BBQ, a simple click of a button is all that’s needed. The content can be shared via e-mail and all social platforms.

This summer, utilize the digital edition and increase your chances of reaching your client’s while they’re out of town. They’re sure to appreciate a great summer read!

To view a sample, visit

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