Members of ReminderMedia Leave their Handprints on History with the Flag for Hope Project

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ReminderMedia is honored to have participated in the Flag for Hope project—a collaborative art project that aims to unite Americans in their support for those who serve our country.


The Flag for Hope initiative is a social movement that enlists Americans from across the country to provide their handprints to collectively create an impression of the American flag. With their handprints, ReminderMedia CEO Steven Acree and other members of the organization expressed their support for those who serve our country in the military and in their communities.

Marcos Antonio, artist and documentary film maker, asked contributors three questions, “What does the flag represent to you?” “What city, state, and country do you represent?” “What is your message to your fellow Americans?” just before pressing their painted hands on the canvas, which already resembled the American flag.

“As publishers of American Lifestyle magazine, we felt we had to participate in this project, and I’m so glad we did. I am honored to have made a mark on a piece of history,” said Acree.

FlagforHope2Participants from ReminderMedia were joined by the crew from ALTV, who plan to document the project in an upcoming episode.

Members of ReminderMedia happily join Senator John McCain, former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, and Muhammad Ali, along with many other Americans who will make their mark on the canvas.

The Flag for Hope team plans to collect 5,000 handprints from participants in 120 cities from around the country. The project is to be completed on Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2015, at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, DC but will live forever, as the team plans to donate the Flag for Hope to a museum.

For more information on the project or to find out how you can get involved, visit, or their Facebook page at

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