Five Things You Should Do Every Morning

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Have you ever had a morning where it seems almost impossible to get out of bed? If you answered yes, you certainly aren’t alone. Although hitting the snooze button can be tempting, those extra few minutes of sleep can actually do more harm than good. In fact, waking up late and rushing around in the morning can lead to less productivity. If you want to truly seize the day, set your alarm for an hour earlier, and create a morning routine that includes these five things.

  1. Hydrate
    There’s a reason why drinking water is an intricate part of a healthy lifestyle. Water helps to flush out toxins built up during the previous night. Being hydrated can also increase your energy levels, naturally. Consume your morning glass of water as soon as you wake up, on an empty stomach, and then wait 15-30 minutes to eat.
  2. Get moving.
    While waking up early to exercise may sound unappealing, research shows it has its benefits. From burning more fat to lowering your blood pressure—the advantages last throughout the day. Keep in mind that you don’t have to run a half marathon, it can be as little as thirty minutes of minimal movement—consider practicing yoga or taking a walk around your neighborhood.
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast.
    Breakfast is the most important and unfortunately, skipped meal of the day. A healthy breakfast provides you with the means to conquer your workload. It gives you energy, improves your short-term memory, and helps you concentrate for longer periods of time. When selecting your go-to breakfast meal, look for foods that contain protein, good carbs, and fiber. Popular choices include oatmeal, Greek yogurt, and eggs.
  4. Disconnect for a few minutes.
    Answering a few work-related e-mails in the early hours doesn’t make you more productive. In fact, it makes you lose out on important personal and family time. Instead of refreshing your inbox, consider refreshing your mind. Choose to do something relaxing like enjoying a cup of coffee with your significant other or catching up on a good book. Disconnecting during the first few moments of the morning will help set a calm and positive tone for the day.
  5. Set your daily goals.
    When it comes to your priorities, seeing is believing. Take a few minutes every morning to create a to-do list. Brainstorming when the sun comes up will help you find the clarity needed to set effective and specific goals. Another trick? Put the hardest tasks at the top of the list and work your way down. This way you can’t move on to the next task until you complete the challenging ones.

Creating and sticking to a morning routine will help you develop habits that will enable you be more successful in both your personal and professional life.