4 Questions Your Small Business Website Should Answer


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You’ve likely put an immense amount of effort into ensuring that your business is as self-explanatory as possible, right down to every service offered. That being said, there’s no reason why your small business website should be any different. A website should contain the appropriate content needed for visitors to consider it a resource. To do that, it’ll need to answer four of the most common questions people have about a business when they visit its website.

Who are you/what service do you offer?

This is arguably the most important aspect of any website. If this isn’t displayed to visitors within the first few seconds, there’s a high probability that they’ll bounce off your site, meaning you could lose opportunities. This messaging needs to be clear and concise. Provide visitors with your backstory—years in business, mission statement, team members, etc. For the products, each should include text descriptions and high-quality images.

How can I make a purchase?

A website that has a high conversion rate is ideal. You’re driving visitors to make the decision to move forward with the purchasing process. If the next step is for them to reach out to you for more information, let them know that. Include a clickable call-to-action (CTA) button with descriptive phrases. The button should be designed to stand out on the page and include actionable phrases—call today, contact me to learn more, sign up now, etc. A visitor shouldn’t have to determine what their next step is; your CTA should prompt them to do it.

When is the best time to contact you?

Have you ever been on a website and there is zero contact information listed? To put it lightly, it’s frustrating. Your visitors need to feel like there’s a way to get in touch with you. However, the amount of contact information that you provide is subjective. You can choose to keep it impersonal and include a form for visitors to submit questions and a general e-mail address, or you can include your personal cell phone number and e-mail address. Regardless, be sure that at least one line of communication is open between you and your visitors.

How have others utilized your services?

It’s only natural for visitors to ponder what other clients think about you. Create a section on your website that is dedicated to client testimonials. Include various reviews (with prior approval), stats, and case studies. This will help visitors determine that your product provides value and could potentially push them to make a purchase.

Be sure to take the time to see if your website answers each one of the above questions. If not, make the necessary changes to ensure that both you and your visitors are getting the most out of your website.

Written by admin